If you want to say something important to someone, something that will actually be registered, you never go, “Look: I need you to know seven things.” It’s one. That’s the one thing I want my freelance copywriting clients to know. Even URL’s are less important than your message. People will find you by name. The ideal radio ad script: one idea, persuasively put, with personality. Terry O’Reilly, Canada’s marketing guru as well as a legendary advertising copywriter and radio advertising expert, says it should be 70-75 words. But most radio ads you hear have around 90 or more, which is a big reason why they don’t stick. They’re rushed. And they try to “smooth things out” with too much music and musical “stingers” that you hope will be associated with your name. But unless you have a gigantic budget for repeated listenings, those stingers won’t sting. Advertisers who want people to remember too much in an instant will be instantly forgotten. We remember people by something they did or said or wore that was distinctive or even unusual. Radio ad copywriting should try to do the same thing. What will you say that makes you memorable? Let’s find that out together.