If you’re here because you Googled “Radio Copywriter,” “Toronto Freelance Copywriter,” “Video Copywriting,” “Chronically Undateable Older Men” or any other relevant terms, welcome! I used those keywords (did I mention “Freelance Copywriter”?) because Google prefers webpages with lots of keywords, as well as lots of words, period. Which is exactly what Chat GBT and its ilk are for. Hundreds and hundreds of blog-ish, familiar-feeling, unsurprising words. We can do better. The key word being “we.” You see, there’s AI, then there’s you and I. I’m a very busy freelance copywriter, and a big reason why, I think, is that I’m a very nosey freelance copywriter. I prepare and ask tons of questions. I conduct a lot of interviews. And I never start until we are both completely clear about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. Sometimes we end up changing the deliverables as a result of all those conversations, because we’ve realized that something different makes a lot more sense. This is not about talking your ear off, or railing against AI, or, I don’t know, bringing a few precious drops of human warmth into the parched existence of an agonizingly lonely writer, if such a wretched soul even exists. It’s about what happens when people who want the best for something come together to think, talk, joke and wonder about it. Something that wasn’t there before, something new and worth exploring, always shows up. I want that something, and I’ve made a living chasing it. If you want it too, let’s go.